Familiar with Patek Philippe and long-term play table people, know thatPatek Philippe price adjustment is normal. Patek Philippe Nautilus’s public price in the past many years, the price has also risen too much. When the public price is low , there are many million when the price is high , and by this year, the public price is back to the peak again. The rise in public prices, followed by the market rose, now Patek Philippe steel shell Nautilus 5711A Real Price has been to the level , far beyond the public price. It is almost the hardest table in all Patek Philippe on the market. The cause of this situation, we all know, because the steel shell nautilus (mainly 5711A,5712A) supply too little, but the demand is too large, like too many people, and Patek Philippe There is no table to replace it. So a watch is hard to find, the actual price is rising. Any player who knows about the market is aware that Nautilus 5711a/5712a is the market’s most expensive steel sheet. Patek Philippe Imitation online sale, If you have interest in our Replica Patek Philippe Watches, hope you could hav e a good look for our website ‘ s information. We offer newest Patek Philippe imitation information.

Do not know whether you remember, last year,Patek Philippe launched a steel watch,5522A. This Patek Philippe steel shell flight was only available in the United States, limited to only, the United States public price 21547 U.S. dollars , about RMB million. Now, this steel shell 5522A has appeared in the domestic market, the actual price has exceeded million, compared to the public price, doubled by more than the steel shell 5711A Market , is now the market’s most fierce PP steel Sheet. I’ve even seen people say that the real price of5522A is going to go against the million. Patek philippe5522a ‘s public price of about million, originally is the cheapest Patek Philippe One, million of the public price is doomed 5522A is a simple table,5522A is just a junior needle, even no calendar. But it is such a simple table, because the steel shell, limited, flight table and other reasons, but the market has become the highest rate of PP steel table.
Patek philippe 5522a using stainless steel case, the size of MM, 9 mm thick. the size of millimeters is one of the largest Patek Philippe . 5522A uses the blue Painted face dial, the18K Platinum numeral time mark, the grilled blue pointer, the5522A second hand is aluminum, the time standard pointer has the luminous coating. 5522A Disk is very simple, far from the same flight table 5524 complex. 5522Ausing Patek Philippe324 Movement,324 movement using Patek Philippegyromax Weights fine-tuning the balance wheel, now the 324 movement has all used Patek philippesilinvar silicon Gossamer, powered by hours. According to the standard of Patek Philippe imprinting, the daily error is -3/+2 seconds. Usually the top brand of watches for movement decoration and thinning the movement thickness, generally not too deliberate pursuit of movement performance, but only Patek Philippe take into account the movement beautiful and movement performance, travel -3/+2 Standard The tool table . The PATEK PHILIPPE NEW YORK 2017 is printed on the bottom cover glass of 5522A , which represents a special version of PATEK PHILIPPE. Patek Philippe steel shell 5522A is indeed a more rare than the steel shell Nautilus Patek Philippe steel Sheet.
Patek Philippe steel shell 5522A can be ” seconds to kill ” the steel shell Nautilus for several reasons. 1,Patek Philippe steel shell 5522A of the public price is very low, million of the public price is the cheapest Patek Philippe one. In theory, a lot of people can afford it (note, but theoretically, there is no practical significance). 2,Patek Philippe steel shell 5522A is a flight chart, is Patek Philippe According to the historical prototype, the new launch Flight series, Currently includes 5524G,5524R and 5522A(and Women’s Table 7234R), of which 5522A It is a steel shell junior needle. Patek Philippe is a rare steel-shell movement table. Fits the fashion trend of wearing a sports watch now. 3,Patek philippe5522a is a limited table, limited edition . Patek Philippe Steel Shell Nautilus Although the supply is limited, but not limited. Patek philippe5522a only , out of the end there is no more. 5522A is far more rare than Nautilus and has a collection value. In addition,5522A was originally only sold in the United States, which further increased the difficulty of buying 5522A (after all, Nautilus in the domestic still has a certain amount of).

Of course, we should also note that many of the watches that are only sold abroad, such as this 5522A(limited to the United States only), as well as the green circle of the rudder, which was also very hot in the previous period (only limited sale in the UK), were eventually bought by domestic players. It shows that the level of domestic players playing table is getting higher. Patek Philippe and other kinds of speculation of the table, in the final analysis, ” things to dilute for your “,Patek Philippe because positioning high, in order to maintain positioning, Cannot supply too many steel watches, so the hot steel meter quantity is too few, doomed in short supply.
Some people say: This watch is not a simple introductory paragraph, the New York City site price itself is to amuse you to play. This table basically sets up the pp junior pin All the appreciation elements, if no longer have similar steel or platinum hekking engraved, the value of this watch will be highlighted, can fry to 300,001 points is not uncommon. On the contrary, Nautilus as a 40-year circulation of standing goods and this is not a value space, that is, the two years have been hyped. Genuine Nautilus Antique ancestor 3700 prices instead of higher. Whether the price of 5522 will go higher is not the table itself, but whether pp will continue to make a similar statement. So hurry up and start a Patek Philippe imitation. recently Replica Patek Philippe Watches for Sale, so don ‘ t is hesitate to have a good look Patek Philippe imitation and select your favorite ONe. Best Patek Philippe Replica are here waiting for ordered.